Clarification Statement
Tonly Electronics Holdings Group Limited (incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability whose shares are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Stock Code: 01249), the "Company", together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") has recently become aware of certain promotion and marketing activities conducted on the Internet by someone in the name of "Jean Miss Cosmetics International Co., Ltd." (法国简小姐化妆品国际有限公司) with stock code 01249, which involved suspected misappropriation and alteration of the "Notification of Board Meeting" announcement published by the Company on the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on 6 March 2020 to conduct promotion and marketing activities on the Internet at (but not limited to) the following webpage: "" (the "Promotion Activities").
In order to avoid confusion, and to maintain the reputation of the Company and the legitimate rights and interests of the general public, the Company solemnly declares as follows:
1. "Jean Miss Cosmetics International Co., Ltd." (法国简小姐化妆品国际有限公司) is not a member or related party of the Group, and is not in any way related to or associated with the Group;
2. The Group has never authorized any person(s) to carry out the Promotion Activities. The Promotion Activities are not related to or associated with the Group, and all matters and commodities related to the Promotion Activities are not related to or associated with the Group;
3. The Group assumes no responsibility for any loss caused by, in relation to or in connection to the Promotion Activities.
The Company is considering taking all necessary actions in this regard, including but not limited to reporting to law enforcement bodies and commencing legal proceedings against related parties. If you have any enquiries, please contact our Investor Relations Department at (852) 2437 7460.
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